Source code for gciso.gciso

import struct
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

from .isofilewrapper import IsoInternalFileWrapper
from .bannerfile import BannerFile
from .dolfile import DolFile

[docs]class IsoFile(object): """ The central class representing an .iso file. For information about many of it's attributes, see here: Parameters ---------- isoPath : str The path to the iso file. Attributes ---------- gameCode : bytes makerCode: bytes diskId : int version : int gameName : bytes dolOffset : int Offset to the main executable DOL ("start.dol") dolSize : int Size of the main executable DOL ("start.dol") fstOffset : int Offset to the file system table fstSize : int Size of the file system table maxFstSize : int Maximum size of the file system table (relevant for games with multiple disks) apploaderDate : bytes Date (version) of the apploader (ASCII). apploaderEntryPoint: int apploaderCodeSize: int apploaderTrailerSize : int numFstEntries : int The number of file system table entries (files and directories) stringTableOffset : int The offset to the FST string table files : OrderedDict A dictionary with keys being paths to all files in the .iso and values being tuples of the form `(offset, size)` (offset and size of the file). See Notes for added system files! Notes ----- A couple of files are added to the files attribute, that are not listed in the FST: - *boot.bin* - The header of the .iso file - *bi2.bin* - More disk information (containing dol/FST offsets etc.) - *fst.bin* - The file system table - *start.dol* - The main executable DOL. See :class:`DolFile` and :meth:`getDolFile` :class:`IsoFile` may also be used as a context manager:: with IsoFile("melee.iso") as isoFile: data = isoFile.readFile("opening.bnr", 0) with"opening.bnr") as bnrFile: print( Also all files that take a file path may raise :class:`TypeError`, if the given path is not of type `bytes`. """ _FST_ENTRY_LENGTH = 0xC def __init__(self, isoPath): self.file = open(isoPath, "r+b") self.files = odict() self._readDiskHeader() self._readFst() # def _readDiskHeader(self): values = struct.unpack(">4s2sBB", self.gameCode = values[0] self.makerCode = values[1] self.diskId = values[2] self.version = values[3] self.gameName = self._readString(0x20) values = struct.unpack(">IIII", self.dolOffset = values[0] self.fstOffset = values[1] self.fstSize = values[2] self.maxFstSize = values[3] # relevant for multiple disks self.dolSize = self.fstOffset - self.dolOffset self.files[b"boot.bin"] = (0x0, 0x440) self.files[b"bi2.bin"] = (0x440, 0x2000) self.files[b"fst.bin"] = (self.fstOffset, self.fstSize) self.files[b"start.dol"] = (self.dolOffset, self.dolSize) self.appLoaderOffset = 0x2440 # I am unsure about this whole part values = struct.unpack(">10s6xIII", self.apploaderDate = values[0] self.apploaderEntryPoint = values[1] self.apploaderCodeSize = values[2] self.apploaderTrailerSize = values[3] self.appLoaderCodeOffset = self.appLoaderOffset + 0x20 self.files[b"appldr.bin"] = (self.appLoaderCodeOffset, self.apploaderCodeSize) def _readFst(self): + 0x8) # length of root entry self.numFstEntries = struct.unpack(">I",[0] self.stringTableOffset = self.fstOffset + (self.numFstEntries * IsoFile._FST_ENTRY_LENGTH); self._readDirectory(b"", 0) # cleared a lot of things up def _readDirectory(self, path, index): + IsoFile._FST_ENTRY_LENGTH * index) isDir =[0] fileNameOffset = struct.unpack(">I", b"\0" +[0] offset = struct.unpack(">I",[0] length = struct.unpack(">I",[0] name = b"" if index == 0 else self._readString(self.stringTableOffset + fileNameOffset) if isDir: i = index + 1 while i < length: i += self._readDirectory(path + name + b"/", i) return length else: filePath = path + name if filePath[0] == b"/"[0]: filePath = filePath[1:] self.files[filePath] = (offset, length) return 1 def _readString(self, offset): s = b"" while True: byte = if byte == b"\0": break else: s += byte return s
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the file """ self.file.close()
@staticmethod def _checkPath(path): if not isinstance(path, bytes): raise TypeError("Path must be bytes!") def _writeFile(self, fileOffset, fileSize, offset, data): if offset < 0: raise IndexError("Offset must be > 0!") if offset >= fileSize: raise IndexError("Offset is out of file bounds!") if not isinstance(data, bytes): raise TypeError("Data must be bytes!") if offset + len(data) > fileSize: raise ValueError("Cannot change file size!") + offset) return self.file.write(data)
[docs] def writeFile(self, path, offset, data): """ Writes `data` to the file with path `path` inside the .iso at offset `offset`. Parameters ---------- path : bytes offset : int data : bytes Returns ------- int The number of bytes written Raises ------ IndexError If `offset` is negative or greater than the file size. TypeError If `path` or `data` is not `bytes` ValueError If the write would go past the end of the file, since it cannot change size. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) fileOffset, fileSize = self.files[path] return self._writeFile(fileOffset, fileSize, offset, data)
def _readFile(self, fileOffset, fileSize, offset=0, count=-1): if offset < 0: raise IndexError("Offset must be > 0!") if offset >= fileSize: raise IndexError("Offset is out of file bounds!") if count == None or count < 0: count = fileSize - offset if offset + count > fileSize: raise ValueError("Cannot read beyond end of file!") + offset) return
[docs] def readFile(self, path, offset, count=-1): """ Reads `count` bytes from `offset` inside the file with path `path` Parameters ---------- path : bytes offset : int count : int If count is negative, none or omitted, read until end of file Returns ------- bytes The data read Raises ------ IndexError If `offset` is negative or greater than the file size. ValueError If the read would go past the end of the file. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) fileOffset, fileSize = self.files[path] return self._readFile(fileOffset, fileSize, offset, count)
@staticmethod def _normalizeDirPath(path): if len(path) > 0: # empty path = root => can stay empty if path[-1] != b"/"[0]: path += b"/" # add training slash if path[0] == b"/"[0]: path = path[1:] # remove leading slash return path
[docs] @staticmethod def fileInDir(filePath, dirPath): """ Parameters ---------- filePath : bytes dirPath : bytes Returns ------- bool Whether the file `filePath` is inside the directory `dirPath` """ IsoFile._checkPath(filePath) IsoFile._checkPath(dirPath) dirPath = IsoFile._normalizeDirPath(dirPath) if dirPath == "": return True return filePath.startswith(dirPath)
[docs] def listDir(self, path): """ Lists all files in a directory (including files in subdirectories, not including other directories). Parameters ---------- path : bytes Yields ------ bytes Filenames of the files in the directory. Relative to the directory being listed. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) path = IsoFile._normalizeDirPath(path) for file in self.files: if IsoFile.fileInDir(file, path): yield file[len(path):]
[docs] def isFile(self, path): """ Parameters ---------- path : bytes Returns ------- bool Whether the given path belongs to a file that exists inside the .iso. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) return path in self.files
[docs] def isDir(self, path): """ Parameters ---------- path : bytes Returns ------- bool Whether the given path belongs to a directory that exists inside the .iso and contains files. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) return any(IsoFile.fileInDir(file, path) for file in self.files.keys())
[docs] def open(self, path): """ Parameters ---------- path : bytes Returns ------- :class:`IsoInternalFileWrapper` A wrapper of the given file. Notes ----- See the notes of :class:`IsoFile` and :class:`IsoInternalFileWrapper` for examples. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) fileOffset, fileSize = self.files[path] return IsoInternalFileWrapper(self, fileOffset, fileSize)
[docs] def fileOffset(self, path): """ Parameters ---------- path : bytes Returns ------- int The offset of the file with the given path inside the .iso file. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) fileOffset, fileSize = self.files[path] return fileOffset
[docs] def fileSize(self, path): """ Parameters ---------- path : bytes Returns ------- bool The size of the file with the given path inside the .iso file. """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) fileOffset, fileSize = self.files[path] return fileSize
[docs] def getBannerFile(self, path): """ Creates a :class:`BannerFile` from the file with the given `path` Parameters ---------- path : bytes Returns ------- :class:`BannerFile` """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) fileOffset, fileSize = self.files[path] return BannerFile(
[docs] def getDolFile(self, path=b"start.dol"): """ Creates a :class:`DolFile` from the file with the given `path` Parameters ---------- path : bytes If no path is given, the main executable DOL `start.dol` is used. Returns ------- :class:`DolFile` """ IsoFile._checkPath(path) fileOffset, fileSize = self.files[path] return DolFile(
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.file.close()