import enum
import struct
from .isofilewrapper import IsoInternalFileWrapper
[docs]class DolFile(object):
Represents a DOL executable file.
You probably don't want to instance this class yourself, but rather call :meth:`IsoFile.getDolFile`.
See here for some more information about the attributes of this class:
The DOL file is loaded into memory by the Apploader, section by section. This may or may not include permutation
or fragmentation (the sections stay contiguous, but there may be gaps between the sections after being loaded.)
data : bytes or :class:`IsoInternalFileWrapper`
The file to be interpreted as a DOL file. See description of this class.
data : bytes
The DOL file as bytes
bssMemAddress : int
bssSize : int
entryPoint : int
bodyOffset : int
Offset to the the data after the header of the DOL
textSections : list of :class:`Section`
The text sections of the DOL
dataSections : list of :class:`Section`
The data sections of the DOL
sections : list of :class:`Section`
Just a joined list of :attr:`DolFile.textSections` and :attr:`DolFile.dataSections`
sectionsDolOrder : list of :class:`Section`
:attr:`DolFile.sections` but sorted by DOL offset
sectionsMemOrder : list of :class:`Section`
:attr:`DolFile.sections` but sorted by memory address
[docs] class SectionType(enum.Enum):
The type of section in the DOL file.
TEXT = "text"
DATA = "data"
[docs] class Section(object):
A section in a DOL file. You probably never want to instantiate this class yourself.
index : int
The index of the section
sectionType : :class:`DolFile.SectionType`
The type of the section
dolOffset : int
memAddress : int
size : int
index : int
type : :class:`DolFile.SectionType`
dolOffset : int
endDolOffset : int
memAddress : int
endMemAddress : int
size : int
def __init__(self, index, sectionType, dolOffset, memAddress, size):
self.index = index
self.type = sectionType
self.dolOffset = dolOffset
# both "end" offsets/addresses point right after the section
self.endDolOffset = dolOffset + size
self.memAddress = memAddress
self.endMemAddress = memAddress + size
self.size = size
[docs] def isBefore(self, other):
return self.memAddress + self.size == other.memAddress \
and self.dolOffset + self.size == other.dolOffset
def __repr__(self):
return "<DolFile.Section {} {} - dolOffset: 0x{:x}, memAddress: 0x{:x}, size: 0x{:x}".format(
self.type, self.index, self.dolOffset, self.memAddress, self.size)
def _zipSections(sectionType, offsets, memAddresses, sizes):
assert len(offsets) == len(memAddresses) == len(sizes)
ret = []
for i in range(len(offsets)):
offset, memAddress, size = offsets[i], memAddresses[i], sizes[i]
if offset == 0 or memAddress == 0 or size == 0:
ret.append(DolFile.Section(i, sectionType, offset, memAddress, size))
return ret
def __init__(self, data):
if isinstance(data, IsoInternalFileWrapper):
data = = data
# header
textSectionFileOffsets = struct.unpack_from(">6I", data, 0)
dataSectionFileOffsets = struct.unpack_from(">10I", data, 0x1C)
textSectionMemAddresses = struct.unpack_from(">6I", data, 0x48)
dataSectionMemAddresses = struct.unpack_from(">10I", data, 0x64)
textSectionSizes = struct.unpack_from(">6I", data, 0x90)
dataSectionSizes = struct.unpack_from(">10I", data, 0xAC)
self.bssMemAddress = struct.unpack_from(">I", data, 0xD8)[0]
self.bssSize = struct.unpack_from(">I", data, 0xDC)[0]
self.entryPoint = struct.unpack_from(">I", data, 0xE0)[0]
self.bodyOffset = 0x100
self.textSections = DolFile._zipSections(DolFile.SectionType.TEXT,
textSectionFileOffsets, textSectionMemAddresses, textSectionSizes)
self.dataSections = DolFile._zipSections(DolFile.SectionType.DATA,
dataSectionFileOffsets, dataSectionMemAddresses, dataSectionSizes)
self.sections = self.textSections + self.dataSections
self.sectionsDolOrder = list(sorted(self.sections, key=lambda x: x.dolOffset))
self.sectionsMemOrder = list(sorted(self.sections, key=lambda x: x.memAddress))
[docs] def getSectionByMemAddress(self, memAddress):
memAddress : int
Memory address
:class:`Section` or None
The section the memory address points to or `None` if that address does not point to a DOL section.
for section in self.sections:
rel = memAddress - section.memAddress
if rel >= 0 and rel < section.size:
return section
return None
[docs] def getSectionByDolOffset(self, dolOffset):
dolOffset : int
A offset inside the DOL file
:class:`Section` or None
The section `dolOffset` points to or `None` if that offset does not point to a DOL section.
for section in self.sections:
rel = dolOffset - section.dolOffset
if rel >= 0 and rel < section.size:
return section
return None
[docs] def memAddressToDolOffset(self, memAddress):
memAddress : int
Memory address
int or None
The offset inside the DOL of the data that is loaded to `memAddress` if it belongs to a DOL section. `None` otherwise.
section = self.getSectionByMemAddress(memAddress)
if not section:
return None
return section.dolOffset + (memAddress - section.memAddress)
[docs] def dolOffsetToMemAddress(self, dolOffset):
dolOffset : int
An offset inside the DOL file.
int or None
The memory address the data pointed to by dolOffset is loaded to if it belongs to a DOL section. `None` otherwise.
section = self.getSectionByDolOffset(dolOffset)
if not section:
return None
return section.memAddress + (dolOffset - section.dolOffset)
[docs] def isMappedContiguousMem(self, memAddressStart, memAddressEnd):
See :meth:`isMappedContiguous`, but starting with memory.
This essentially just maps the memory addresses to DOL offsets and then calls
return self.isMappedContiguous(self.memAddressToDolOffset(memAddressStart),
# dolOffsetEnd is not included!
# if isContiguous(0, 4) is true, then the byte at offset 4 might not be
# contiguous with the rest
[docs] def isMappedContiguous(self, dolOffsetStart, dolOffsetEnd):
This function determines whether a range of (contiguous) memory in the DOL file is loaded
contiguously to memory.
dolOffsetStart : int
The start of the data range inside the DOL
dolOffsetEnd : int
The end of the data range (non-inclusive).
`dolOffsetEnd` not being inclusive means that if isContiguous(0, 4) is True, then
the byte at offset 4 not be 4 bytes after the byte at offset 0 in memory. (Only byte 0, 1, 2 and 3 are).
section = self.getSectionByDolOffset(dolOffsetStart)
if dolOffsetEnd <= section.endDolOffset:
return True
dolIndex = self.sectionsDolOrder.index(section)
memIndex = self.sectionsMemOrder.index(section)
dolNext = self.sectionsDolOrder[dolIndex+1]
memNext = self.sectionsDolOrder[memIndex+1]
if dolNext == memNext and section.isBefore(dolNext):
return self.isMappedContiguous(dolNext.dolOffset, dolOffsetEnd)
return False